2017 Print Competition Results

Each summer Professional Photographers of America (PPA) holds their largest and most prestigious print competition – International Photographic Competition (IPC). It’s an opportunity for photographers to submit their best work to be judged by a panel of master photographers and earn merits towards their photography degree. Images are given a score up to 100 – anything that scores 80 or above is considered a “merit” image.

Before I share my winning images this year I want to tell you how I got here. Last year I entered PPA’s District level competition (similar to IPC, but on a smaller geographic scale).  The two images I submitted scored a 78, just out of that “merit” range. I was disappointed but also hugely motivated to improve my work enough to earn a merit score next time. Fast forward to this year. I worked really hard to improve my posing and my lighting. I entered my 4 images into Districts. My goal going into this competition season was to have ONE of my images earn a merit. Just one. Much to my delight, 2 of my 4 images earned scores worthy of merit. I was thrilled!

In order to actually earn merits (which will be applied towards earning my Master of Photography degree) you have to enter those images into IPC. I did that, along with 2 new images I hoped would score well. Judging wrapped up the other day and I learned that ALL 4 of my images earned merit scores and have been accepted into PPA’s General Collection. They will be up on display at Imaging USA, PPA’s annual convention, in January. This also means that I have qualified for a Bronze Medal at next year’s Grand Imaging Awards! I’ll be flying down to Nashville this winter to attend the convention and accept my award.

When I set out to try my hand at this whole print competition thing, never in a million years did I think that my very first year entering international level competition that I would earn a medal.

Thank you to all of my wonderful clients who have shared their precious little ones with me. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you!


Pure and New



Peaceful Slumber


print competition

A Dancer’s Dream


print competition

The Garden’s Bounty

  1. Lindsey says:

    Wow, what an achievement Julie! Congratulations! Your work is beautiful and I love how motivated you are to continue growing as an artist! 

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