open post

Oh this little girl was SO sweet! We started her session of with some simple wrapped poses and it helped her drift off into a nice deep sleep. She was so sleepy, in fact, that we got through a whole variety of poses during her session. I get to see her again soon for her […]

Newburyport Newborn Photographer


featured post

Oh this little girl was SO sweet! We started her session of with some simple wrapped poses and it helped her drift off into a nice deep sleep. She was so sleepy, in fact, that we got through a whole variety of poses during her session. I get to see her again soon for her […]

Newburyport Newborn Photographer


Who says you can’t capture beautiful maternity portraits indoors? I love working in my studio during the winter months. It’s a smaller, more intimate environment and I find that clients are really able to relax when we’re not outside dodging other people at outdoor locations. Clients can take advantage of my studio wardrobe which includes […]

Adorable Baby Bump – Maternity Photos Beverly MA

Maternity, Studio

I absolutely love it when I get to see my Baby’s First Year plan babies come in for their “sitting up” milestone session. Babies’ personalities REALLY start to shine at this age. (Plus, it helps that they aren’t mobile yet!) It took a little bit for Mr. G to warm up, but once he did […]

Beverly MA Baby Photographer

Babies, Studio

Ok, if I’m being honest for a minute…six months is my favorite baby age. Of course, I love newborns, but there is nothing cuter than a chubby baby with their first few teeth showing giving you a huge smile. When this guy came in to the studio for his milestone session he did not stop […]

Sitter Milestone Session

Babies, Studio

baby photographer boston

When I get a really sleepy baby in the studio I totally take advantage of it! This little one was a champion sleeper. Never saw her eyes open once! So we did a lot with posing and got a lot of variety for her gallery. This particular session happened shortly after I had taken a workshop […]

Newborn Photography Workshop
